pink flowers

Showing all 4 results

    Soft Pastel Bouquet


    A beautiful selection of gentle pastel colours arranged to create a lovely soft and pretty bouquet

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    Valentine’s Day – Luxury Pink Roses with Foliage


    Beautiful pale pink roses direct from Holland, available in a dozen or half a dozen, hand tied by one of our florists with gorgeous foliage and beautifully wrapped for your Valentine. These can be selected for collection from our shop on 13th or 14th February or for delivery. Delivery will be calculated at checkout.   […]

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    Soft Pastels


    Gorgeous mixed pastel flowers, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This beautiful handtied pastel bouquet will be made bespoke by a member of our team. Photo is an example but flowers will vary.

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    Soft Pastels


    Gorgeous mixed pastel flowers, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This beautiful handtied pastel bouquet will be made bespoke by a member of our team. The listed photo is an example but flowers will vary.

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