unique flowers

Showing all 11 results

    Valentine’s Day – Classic Luxury Red Roses with Foliage


    Beautiful top grade Red Naomi roses direct from Holland, available in a dozen, two dozen or half a dozen, hand tied by one of our florists with gorgeous foliage and beautifully wrapped for your Valentine. A beautiful classic. Please order by 12pm on 13th February for delivery on 14th February or Collection from our shop. […]

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    Valentine’s Day – Luxury Pink Roses with Foliage


    Beautiful pale pink roses direct from Holland, available in a dozen or half a dozen, hand tied by one of our florists with gorgeous foliage and beautifully wrapped for your Valentine. These can be selected for collection from our shop on 13th or 14th February or for delivery. Delivery will be calculated at checkout.   […]

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    Valentine’s Day – Luxury White Roses with Foliage


    Beautiful white roses direct from Holland, available in a dozen or half a dozen, hand tied by one of our florists with gorgeous foliage and beautifully wrapped for your Valentine. Please order by12pm on 13th February for delivery or collection on 14th February. Delivery will be calculated at checkout.

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    Valentine’s Day – Luxury Hot Pink Roses with Foliage


    Beautiful Pink Floyd roses direct from Holland, available in a dozen or half a dozen, hand tied by one of our florists with gorgeous foliage and beautifully wrapped for your Valentine. Pleases order before 12pm on 13th February, these can be selected for collection from our shop from or delivery on 14th February. Delivery will […]

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    Valentine’s Day – Rich Reds


    Gorgeous mixed red flowers for your valentine, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This rich red bouquet will be bespoke, as unique as your Valentine. Pre-order for delivery or collection for 14th February.

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    Handtied – Pretty Pink and White


    Pretty mixed pink and white flowers for your valentine, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This romantic pink and white bouquet will be bespoke, as unique as your Valentine.

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    Valentine’s Day – Pink and Red Romance


    Gorgeous mixed pink and red flowers for your valentine, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This romantic mixed pink and red bouquet will be bespoke, as unique as your Valentine. Pre order now for delivery or collection on 13th or 14th February

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    Handtied – Classic White and Green


    Gorgeous mixed white flowers for your valentine, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This beautiful handtied white bouquet will be bespoke, as unique as your Valentine.

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    Florist Choice Handtied


    Gorgeous mixed flowers for your valentine, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This beautiful handtied bouquet will be bespoke, as unique as your Valentine, and will vary from the images.

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    Florists Choice Luxury Bouquet


    Designed by one of our talented florists especially for your order with our signature Luna Stein style. No two of our bunches are ever the same as we love to create handtied arrangements inspired by our selection of fresh flowers bought direct from Holland. This luxury handtied bouquet is abundant with flowers and would make for a very special gift.

    All our bunches are beautifully presented, wrapped and put in a bubble of water to ensure they arrive as beautifully as they leave the shop but packaging may vary from the picture.

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    Deluxe Bouquet


    Designed by one of our talented florists especially for your order with our signature Luna Stein style. No two of our bunches are ever the same as we love to create handtied arrangements inspired by our selection of fresh flowers bought direct from Holland. This deluxe handtied bouquet is abundant with flowers and would make for a very special gift.

    All our bunches are beautifully presented, wrapped and put in a bubble of water and a gift bag to ensure they arrive as beautifully as they leave the shop but packaging may vary from the picture.

    Please order by 12pm on 13th February for collection or delivery on 14th February.

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